energy sector

Powering the energy transition with smart sustainable solutions 

Nuoro is your water expert in the energy transition, applying innovative solutions for sustainable energy production and a brighter future.

the energy sector challenges

the energy transition: fighting climate change

The energy landscape is undergoing a massive transformation in power and heat production, storage, and usage. Smart, innovative, and flexible solutions are essential for ensuring a resilient and sustainable energy future.

How can Nuoro help?

the water-energy nexus

Energy requires water, and water requires energy — this relationship is crucial for economic growth, life, and well-being. The EU energy sector consumes 74 billion m³ of water annually, 1.5 times more than the entire public water supply. Freshwater demand in energy production even surpasses that of agriculture in Europe.

How can Nuoro help?

clean water for green energy

Every energy production starts with clean water. High-quality demineralized water is critical for a successful steam cycle power generation. Ultrapure water is also essential for electrolysis and hydrogen (H2) generation, often a major challenge in green hydrogen projects.

How can Nuoro help?

our powerful solutions
for the green energy industry

anaerobic digestion and biomethane
"The sustainable energy transition is not a choice; it is a necessity."
Christiana Figueres, former Executive Secretary UNFCCC
Ultrapure water
Steam cycle

our energy sector cases